Ultrasound and blood work went well today. Looks like my right ovary is one stubborn SOB (this time in a good way). I had 3 follicles on it!!! None of them were really big, but, there they were. The nurse was shocked. They said that I had 4 total that were 10mm+, and several that were on the cusp. After the bloodwork came back (I can't remember if she said 451 or 551 for the estradiol) they said to stay on the same doses I've been taking.
This afternoon was interesting. I've been having leg pain so they sent me for a doppler ultrasound on my leg to make sure I didn't have a blood clot. It all turned out okay. I think it's just a reaction to hormones? I've had pains like these before; if I remember correctly it was always cyclical. I'll further push for an answer/hypothesis on Friday.
Due Friday for another ultrasound and blood work. I guess maybe then we'll have a better idea when they are shooting for retrieval? The original date was Monday...
They tell me that this progress is good! :)
1024th Friday Blog Roundup
1 day ago
great news! i'm so glad that the leg pain wasn't a clot. honestly, is there anything else that needs to go wrong with our bodies??!?
I've heard leg pain is a side-effect of lupron, but hopefully it goes away. So glad the u/s and bloodwork went well!
Glad to hear some good news for you! Hopefully there much more to come in the upcomming weeks/months!
I've always had beastly leg pain w/ endo (esp on Lupron) so maybe that is where your pain is coming from!
Other than that, yay for good news on stims! I am really keeping fingers and toes crossed that this will be the only time you need to stim!
Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you - I'm not commenting much as not having been through this myself I don't fully understand it all so don't know what to say in comments really but I am certainly reading along and keeping tabs and thinking of you!
Glad to hear things are progressing nicely. Hope those follies keep growing and that your ER is scheduled soon. Sorry about the leg pain - as if IVF and Endo isn't a horrible enough combination already.
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