I went in to the RE today for a mock transfer, which was basically done to measure my uterus and to see where to plant those beautiful embies in a few weeks. This was done by inserting a catheter. While this was pretty uncomfortable, in was in no way painful. I just got these really weird cramps and slightly nauseated. It pinched a bit (apparently some people can't even feel it) when it passed through my cervix into my uterus. VERY strange. But, all in all not a bad experience. I'm glad it was quick! I'm hoping the valium will help during the real procedure too.
Afterward they did a sonohysterography or saline infusion sonography. While the catheter was still inserted, they injected about 2 tbls of saline into my uterus. This allows the uterus to expand and allows for easier visualization. As they did that, they inserted the transvaginal sonogram equipment and took a peek. What they found next leads into the word of the day.
Apparently I have a polyp in my uterus. It's small, about 1 cm in it's largest diameter. But, it needs to be removed, especially for the sake of IVF. It can cause implantation issues with IVF and has a higher incidence of miscarriage in regards to IVF. So, here we go again. I'm having a hysteroscopy on Friday. This is considered a one day surgery procedure, under "heavy sedation" (much like for a colonoscopy or egg retrieval)...hopefully nothing more. They'll place a scope through the vagina eventually into the uterus. It should take about 15-20 minutes as long as there are no complications. So, please keep your prayers/good thoughts/whatever good mojo up for us. I'm so tired of being violated. After this, I will have been scoped in every orifice possible. ENOUGH is enough! They'll send it off to pathology to make sure it's nothing more than it seems, but, she said that's very rare and it doesn't have the qualities she would be suspicious of. Still, working in Oncology, I can't help to be a little wary, you know? But, she's not worried so I'm trying not to be either. And, I am thankful this was found today....not come transfer time!
We are still on track to start IVF meds next Weds. So, we'll see how it goes. Just another bump in the road...
Repeat: Living in a World of Last Times
12 hours ago
Oh bummer. That's not a nice roadblock. But, like you said, it can cause miscarriages, so get that thing out of you!
I had a polyp (sp?) blocking a tube that was removed during endometriosis surgery - not sure how they get there or why they grow, but yes, get it out!
They performed the hysteroscopy at the same time as the laproscopic surgery - so not sure which sensation was from which, um, procedure - but all in all, not too bad pain-wise.
Good luck!
My mom had a hysterocopy not too long ago for some problems she was having. She said it was not too bad. You are a brave woman and you are much more positive than I could ever be about this whole situation. Good for you!
HAHAHA! i love it when doctor's say that some people can't "feel" these procedures, YEAH RIGHT!
Wow, that's quite a few procedures in a couple months time! Good luck with the polyp removal :)
I wonder what they will use for heavy sedation? They gave me Ver.sed before my surgery, and I've been preparing the adverse reaction info for the FDA - it was a horrible experience, unlike the two previous un-sedated laps (besides gen. anesthesia of course).
Sorry to hear about he polyp, sucks.
Just the word mock transfer puts chills in my spine and the thoughts of our 2 horrid mock transfers (apprently my cervix is sorta totally messed).
That stinks... sorry to hear you have to jump through so many hoops to move forward. Good luck with the hysteroscopy, I'm sure it will all go without a hitch!
Sorry about the polyp and the additional procedure. It sounds like you'll still be on track to start meds, though, which is exciting!
Re: the mock transfer -- my mock one was so much worse than the actual transfer. The Valium and the general excitement totally help.
Sending prayers your way for a successful hysteroscopy!
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