Lu.pron shot one...done and over. We did it!!! We did mess up a little on the doxy, no big deal though. We didn't take the first until this afternoon (I forgot it was twice daily, not two once a day). So, we'll just have one dose today and end on a day with one dose. No biggie.
First shot brought a little anxiety. Weird. I wasn't expecting that. But, it wasn't bad at all to inject. I am using my thighs for now since I am having issues with two of my incisions. That was my call; they said either way was fine. My RE took a look at them today and was glad that we were starting the doxy. She hopes that helps, and, wants me to go back to the derm to see if I need to start the antibiotic cream and steroid again as well. She really thinks it's because of a reaction to the dermabond. Just add it to my list. Both her and the dermatologist feel that it's okay to forge forward with the regimen since it's a skin only issue with the incisions. There is no deep infection...all just on the surface. I had similar issues last time with my belly button incision (it took about 2 months to clear up!). So, here's to hoping they are right!
I went in today for post op for my hysteroscopy. It turns out, they weren't "true" polyps. What she really should have done was start the conversation off with "benign" after she lingered over my path for what I felt was too long. I work in don't linger over paths like that...spit it out! ;) What she removed were just lumps of endometrial tissue in my uterus and in my cervix. Why? I haven't the foggiest. She didn't seem too concerned, and, I was just so relieved when she told me it was all okay. LOL.
ALSO, learned a fun fact today I wanted to share. To get a leg up on potential migraines, she told me to take a vitamin B complex and magnesium once a day. I'm very excited about this, and, hope it works!!!
So, any symptoms from today's shot I should expect? I've had Lu.pron and Aygestin (I'm taking that in leiu of BCP since I can't take BCP) before, but, in a much different manner (to treat my endo). Also, did you hubby's do your shots, or, you? I gave mine tonight. I know he'll be administering the progesterone ones though!
Thanks everyone for all of the support!!!
1024th Friday Blog Roundup
1 day ago
thanks for the migraine tip! i've been laid up on the couch since i got home from work with one!
i think when i start the lovely lupron (hah!) i'm going to stick myself. when i was on HCG shots my hubby was shown how to do it, but i wouldn't let him!
Needles don't bother me all that much if I can't see them, so I'm thinking I'm even going to have him do the ones in my thigh. And I'm sorry you're still having problems with your incisions - how annoying! Good luck with your cycle!!
I think you're amazing that you can poke yourself! I know I have a while before I ever get to that point... but the thought terrifies me! I hope the migrain tip works for you.
Good luck with this cycle!
Happy ICLW!
i seriously cannot believe you had the same problems with your incisions that i did with mine, that is crazy... and crappy, i'm sorry! i only know what symptoms you can expect with the lupron, night sweats and hot flashes, but i'm pretty sure you've been on it before so you probably all ready know that.
I was asked to increase my water intake when I began stimming and other works..On your question, well, it was a nurse that administered me all the injections. I would either travel to the centre or would have one living close by do it for me.
All the very best!
Lupron - bloating, a sense of heaviness....
Goodl luck with this cycle! Hope you get that BFP soon!!
Thanks for the migraine tip. I'll try anything!
Good job with your the Lupron!
I almost forgot how Lupron gave me bad migraines ~ please let us know if this works. I still get migraines every now and then.
Good luck with your cycle.
Thanks for the comment! I have just been giving my lupron shot straight from the fridge and not at room temp. That is what I was told to do, but who knows. I been doing the shots myself, but when I get to the PIO my DH will have to step up.
Hope your incisions get better soon!
Wishing you lots of luck!
Hmmm, that's a nice migraine tip.
It's terrific that you've started your cycle so soon after surgery. Congratulations!
I injected the stims myself, but Dh injects the PIO. I tried injecting the PIO once myself and found I could do it pretty easily. It helped ease my mind to know that I could do it myself if I needed to.
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