I am 35 years old, living with stage IV Endometriosis, possibly adenomyosis and struggled with infertility for almost 4 years. I also struggled with PPD and now struggle with PMDD. I am a mother to a son that was born at 18 weeks and too precious for this earth; and now a mother to a son born in August 2011. By journaling here, I hope to benefit both for myself and for others that are dealing with this disease and fertility struggles. Thanks for visiting!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Blogging from my crackberry

I wonder if this will work. Can't type too much-keyboard is too small.

Just had a thought today:
Right ovary type pain...where did you come from? And why?!

Having pain with movement today, in my lower right abdomen. Okay when I'm sitting. Walking is a bit uncomfy. Pain like some is pressing down inside of me. I say BE GONE!!! This isn't expected with lu.pron, is it? I wouldn't think so since my ovaries are being supressed...I never had this last time with the big treatment shots.



Nadine said...

It's the lupron, I had it too at first (so what happens is apprently there is a temporary peak in estrogen from the shot). so you're not alone, and I hope it goes away, it;s hard to blog fr crakberry isn't it?

My Endo Journey said...

You are right!!! I forgot about the peak! This is exactly why I made this post. And, yes, crackberries are not blogging friendly. Haha. Glad it was there 4me tho.

What IF? said...

Sorry you're in pain. Ugh! I do hope it gets better soon.