I am 35 years old, living with stage IV Endometriosis, possibly adenomyosis and struggled with infertility for almost 4 years. I also struggled with PPD and now struggle with PMDD. I am a mother to a son that was born at 18 weeks and too precious for this earth; and now a mother to a son born in August 2011. By journaling here, I hope to benefit both for myself and for others that are dealing with this disease and fertility struggles. Thanks for visiting!

Friday, May 23, 2008

It's "not common"...

But it happens. Story of my life recently, huh? ;) ANYWAY, apparently the bleeding is normal-so says the OBGYN. K, we'll see about that. I'll try another day off the progesterone...it hasn't subsided the nausea. Actually, I'm just feeling worse and worse as it seems. Today it's a pain (almost like a burning-I dunno how else to describe it) starting from my pelvic area all the way through my stomach up to my ribs. Not like endo period pain, but, like a tummy ache almost? UGH, I'm so over this!!! The GYN WILL do an ultrasound-I need answers. GI also called me in something for the nausea, and, I have an appointment with them on Tuesday-even though I think it's not that. WHo knows these days though. The weird thing is (TMI), it that the ache hurts worse when my bowels are full. That could hurt all the way into your stomach? The body works in mysterious ways.

Off to get some rest. It does a body good! I hope!


deirdre said...

Are you using natural bio-identical compounded progesterone, or the synthetic progestin?




My Endo Journey said...

It's a progestin-Aygestin...

Anonymous said...

The stomach pain when your bowels are full... could be IBS? I know I have that. It sucks. And hormones and endo and the stress of dealing with it all doesn't help it.

Hope he can help you Tuesday and the medicine helps.

My Endo Journey said...

Like, it doesn't hurt when I go...when I have to go, my stomach is tender and I just feel awful. Is that what your IBS feels like? I thought you had a lot of BM's with IBS? So far the meds aren't working, but, I'll give it some time. I would just think these pills would be like INSTANT if they were going to work. I didn't want to take anything else, but, I was at the point where I just needed some relief.


Deb said...

How you're describing your pain/tenderness before you have to go to the bathroom is EXACTLY how I felt before my surgery. I called my doc's office at one point, crying because I felt so desperate. It was like I would literally feel so ill when I had to have a BM.

My surgery ended up being a laporatomy (with the large incision) and they removed part of my ovary because it was stuck to my bowels. (Luckily, my doc didn't have to remove the entire ovary and the ovary can re-grow/get back to normal, as she explained to me.) How invasive did they get with your surgery? I'm asking because I just wonder if they got all of the original cyst. Or do you think it's more likely that you have a new cyst?

As much reading as I've done about endo, I still feel like it's difficult to "question" my doc about certain things. I wonder if you should talk with your doc about "what was left" in there after your lap.

Hope my advice isn't too intrusive ... just sure wish you start feeling better and getting all of the answers you deserve.

My Endo Journey said...

That's what my theory is Deb, which is why I want an ultrasound on Thursday. I actually got more information about my surgery from my RE when I went there for a 2nd opinion. He said that the report said that the cyst was "removed", but, didn't explain anything about the cyst wall. I asked my OGBYN, and he said the cyst wall was removed as well. RE seemed to think it was going to be a problem, which is why when I started feeling like this, it was my first thought.

I can't wait until Thursday!!! Then I'll have some answers-cyst there-that's why I'm feeling like shit. If not...then there are more questions I suppose.