I am 35 years old, living with stage IV Endometriosis, possibly adenomyosis and struggled with infertility for almost 4 years. I also struggled with PPD and now struggle with PMDD. I am a mother to a son that was born at 18 weeks and too precious for this earth; and now a mother to a son born in August 2011. By journaling here, I hope to benefit both for myself and for others that are dealing with this disease and fertility struggles. Thanks for visiting!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Infertility and social media

A friend forwarded me a pretty interesting and true article today.  I know this will resonate with all of my fellow infertility sufferers:  http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/10/24/AR2010102402642.html?hpid=topnews
And a pretty funny follow-up via Jezebel:
What do you think about infertility and our social media society?!


cdg said...

I saw both of these last week, very interesting and funny. FB for me is like passing by a car accident, I know I do not want to look but I just can't seem to help myself. I tend to hide preggo friends who post lots of belly shots and then I search for their profiles anyway b/c I just can't seem to stay away. It is hard and often comes as a reminder to me of what i do not have. It makes me wonder how my friends who are single feel about all of those wedding pics????

Jeanne said...


I wrote about this topic back in April in my "Facebook Fertility Fallout" post and it resulted in some very interesting discussion.

Thank you for posting this.
