So, today was our big appointment with the RE. She was obviously disappointed, yet, optimistic. My hubby and I had already talked and decided we would do another "fresh" cycle soon if that's what was suggested. Indeed it was. She actually said we could take our time if we needed, but, with the looming endometrioma we all decided that sooner would be better than later. The last thing I want right now is to have to go back to surgery!!! I know it's back (after being drained), I can feel it. No one should be able to pinpoint where their ovaries are!!
The frozen transfer wasn't suggested at this point; she said they'd like to have at least 1 more embryo to go with our little guy in the freezer, since the frozen transfers have less success rate. Hopefully with another cycle we'll be able to secure a friend for the freezer.
So, we are waiting to see what's going on with the insurance, and, we are tentatively scheduled for the end of July to start round #2. We are pretty sure that the insurance will cover another round, but, need to be sure. NOTHING for this past cycle has posted to the insurance yet. The RE said that was a really frustrating thing about their clinic being associated with a hospital-the billing processes have to go through like the hospital's, and, apparently that takes a while. If for some reason we don't work things out with the insurance, it'll be sometime this fall. Which, isn't too far away, but, for my endometrioma, that could be like years for it...
She was pleased with how the cycle went (aside from the outcome); my ovary responded well. We didn't expect anything out of the right, but, the left one came to bat nicely. She said that 7 was a good number of eggs, and that the 4 out of those being mature was pretty good too. Obviously we'd want both ovaries kicking in, but, again...damn that endometrioma.
Speaking of the endometrioma, she said that it was very easy to drain. Almost too easy, and, that she fears that mean it will fill up just as easily. Gotta love that ;)
We talked about my pain. The meds worked to really thicken the lining of my uterus (the endometrium), so, that's one of the biggest reasons it was so painful for me. She said the endometrioma could obviously have a hand at it as well. She said the hormones and everything with having conceived then going to my period were probably a little much for me as well. I'm going to start back the Aygestin this evening in hopes of warding some of the pains off. I'll continue that right into the next IVF cycle.
Sorry this is choppy...lots of information and I have a killer headache right now. My stomach feels like it is inching SLOWLY back to some normalcy. I'm having my GI symptoms again-early satiety and digestive issues. Oh endo, you suck!!!
So, there ya go. I've been kind of taking a blogging break as my hormones try and level out. It's been a very emotional few weeks. I've been up and down, and, on the verge of tears most days. I'm looking forward to a little normalcy in the next month as we are on this little break.
Thanks again for all the well wishes! Oh, and the Bday greetings too!! It ended up being a great day, and, I am thankful for that!!!
1024th Friday Blog Roundup
1 day ago
i have had things not post to my insurance for up to two months. that is flipping sweet that your insurance covers ivf, you must live in one of the golden states, michigan is not one of them so if we have to have ivf we will be paying out of pocket for it, let's hope this pregnancy sticks.
Glad your birthday went well! Don't you just love insurance and how it all works?!
Oh I hate those endometriomas! Aren't they the most evil things ever? I hope you don't end up in surgery again, but if you do get them to cut that sucker out for good!
I'm hoping your insurance stuff gets worked out soon so you can jump right back into a cycle. Hang in there :)
Oh I know exactly what you mean being able to pin point your ovaries based on where the pain is. Blah.
Take some time for yourself this month and get a massage and the works! You deserve it!
Ugh, insurance. I just got a bill today for a my mock transfer in JANUARY.
I'm glad you guys were able to map out a bit of a plan, and that your RE felt good about your cycle. I'm so sorry about the pain, though -- seems like just a another kick in the pants (or abdomen) that you really don't need right now.
I'm glad you and your husband talked with the RE and agreed upon a plan/timetable. I'm am so sorry for everything you have been through and are going through. You have a remarkably well-adjusted attitude and you are in my thoughts and prayers (as is your husband).
hmm as much as I HATE lupron and lupron like drugs - have you considered going on syneral (the nasal spray) until your next IVF cycle). The drug is my nemesis but my ovaries seem to like it - so I am back on it until we cycle....
Sorry haven't commented in ages - been in a stinking mood myself I couldn't find encouraging things to say, but I have been following your posts and thinking of you. Glad you had a lovely birthday. I hope the insurance gets sorted soon. Fingers crossed for the next round. Take care of yourself x
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