Daily reflection-my blessings:
I just wanted to share how blessed I feel to have my husband in my life. No matter what the day brings-he's there for me. And, I know it. I never doubt it. The good, the bad, the ugly. Through sickness and health. As unlucky as I've felt recently, I couldn't have been luckier in finding him. He defines unconditional love. His patience and understanding astounds me. Sure, we have our moments and he loses his cool or just can't handle my mood swings or whatever is going on at the moment-he'd be completely un-human if that was the case. But, at the end of the day (and the beginning and middle and end), he's there for me, and, I know he always will be. I love you Wes!!!
I really don't know where I'd be without my family and friends. This past year has really just been awful so far (endo stuff, house flood/now mold, family deaths, etc, etc, etc)-and, my friends/family have just been amazing. From phone calls to fun little gifts in the mail, I am constantly being lifted by the support that surrounds me. Even though they don't "understand" what I'm going through, they see my pain and feel it too.
And, my blogger friends...the type of support that I have found here is just fantastic. It's so great to come here and share my feelings, and, have someone understand it. Just to have someone to share my experiences with has really helped to make things more bearable.
Thank you everyone!!!
1024th Friday Blog Roundup
1 day ago
Hi Allison,
What a beautiful post! I have vulvodynia and am also lucky to have an amazing, supportive husband. These conditions really do affect both partners.
Thank you for posting reviews on CureTogether too! Let's get the word out and start beating these conditions.
Wishing you health and happiness,
co-founder, CureTogether.com
Hi Allison,
Thank you so much for visiting my blog and even listing my blog on your site!!
I'm very pleased to see that you have already connected with Alexandra of CureTogether (www.curetogther.com)! She is fantastic!
I would be honored if you continue to follow my blog and I'm thrilled to have found yours!
Thanks for making my day! :)
I adore your domain name and your hubby sounds terrifically supportive! :)
Holy cow! I love your blog. I just added it to my "list of frequently visited sites" (a/k/a my favorites).
If you view my blog, scroll to the very bottom where you'll see your blog in my favorites list.
I have read enough of your blog to know that you are strong and brave and deserving of relief.
Please stay connected with my blog. Maybe something on it will be helpful you.
I'll have to read even more of your fascinating blog too!
THANK YOU for finding my blog, posting it on your blog, giving me the chance to reciprocate with promoting your fantastic blog, etc.!!!
Honestly, you made my day! :) You have no idea!
I just LOVE your Dr. Suess quote.
You are doing an awesome service to the endo community with your blog!!
Your blog:
... has very much inspired me!
I just posted an article on my blog about your amazing blog!
Have a great weekend! :)
Were you able to see the data that was showing up "jumbled" on your side earlier? I had resent the data earlier today via a comment on your blog. Please let me know if you saw what you were looking for. :)
Hello new bloggers! Thanks for visiting!
Jeanne, thanks for the shout on your blog! And, yes, I found the survey!
I was happy to refer people your way. Your blog is fantastic!
I'm glad you found the survey/poll OK. It seems to be getting a pretty balanced response to the choices given for topics for me to cover on my blog.
It'll be interesting to see if the responses stay balanced like this. If so, I may just keep blogging on the topics I'm already writing about.
I'm really glad you found my blog. :)
That's why we are here - to support each other. Sisters in Endo.
Hi Allison,
I just gave your blog a plug!! Please reference my new article:
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Endometriosis Blog: HOPE Really Matters For Healing, Coping, & Managing Chronic Illness!
Hi Allison,
I found your blog on Jeanne's Endo Blog and just wanted to check you out. She is so excited about finding you and reviewed your blog on her post.
Your blog is filled with revealing information that other with your condition need to know. Knowing that there is someone else in the world going through what you are going through makes a world of difference in your state of mind.
You, like me, are so fortunate to have family and friends to give you the support you need, even when you don't know you need it.
I hope that you are able to start your family. As a mother, I can testify that there is no other feeling in the world like being a mother.
However, if that is not meant to be, continue to rejoice in the knowledge that you have a loving, supportive, husband who is there for you and going through the situation with you. Now how great is that?
I write a blog entitled "Living With A Chronic Illness.
It is filled with information about chronic pain. I hope you will visit it and find it helpful in getting through your Endometriosis.
You are certainly welcome to leave a comment!
I ave endo and have had 3 surgeries and am currently suffering from endometriomas. Lately I have been dreading the future of this horrid sickness. Hubby is a great support.
I am also the mom of a miracle baby who was born at 25 weeks. WE are so glad that he is with us. If there was a way to cure this thing I would do it. We want one more litle person to complete our family so we are waiting to get rid of the plumbing. Good luck with the lupron. I am starting round 3.
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