Life is CRAZY these days. But, hopefully crazy will be good! Our house is FINALLY under contract!!!!!!!!!!!! Although the timing is anything but perfect with the upcoming FET, we will make it work somehow. We will officially be homeless May 20th. HOOORAY! We are going to look at houses this weekend, but, we are pretty certain we want to build. Which, will put us out of house until August. Yes, we are insane. But, when is anything perfect timing?!?!? So, we have to shop for an apartment, house, storage unit, and be completely out in 6 weeks. This is all assuming the inspection will go well. And, well, I know I shouldn't assume. I'm hoping though. PLEASE hope with me! Oh yeah, and there is a FET transfer in there too. YIPES! Hope and pray for that one too!!!!
It's going to be a crazy month, but, it's been good to keep my mind busy. I start my shots tonight. I can hardly believe the time has come!
#Microblog Monday 526: Brackets
16 hours ago
You have a lot going on. Good luck with all of it and I can't wait for your FET!
i wish you the best of everything from the house to the FET.
Congrats on selling your house! Yay!
Oh my gosh, I had no idea the FET was coming up so quickly. I really hope it leads to a healthy pregnancy and baby!
Good luck with the house stuff and inspection.
wow, it's good to know that we aren't the only ones that seem to fill our lives with everything at once, although I do think that you beat us on the "crazy" front, with such massive life changes in store for you. I shall certainly be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, as always xx
The month I got pregnant with my twins I just KNEW it wasn't our month because I worked out like crazy, we sold our house, my sister got married and i went to my 10 year high school reunion. So maybe the same will happen for you! I hope so! Congrast on selling you house! We just bought a new house and are in the middle of renovation before we move! I am hoping the same will happen to me this month (so distracted with other things that I get pregnant!). GL!
hooray, congratulations on the house and fet!!! he closed on our house five days after my c-section, it was pretty awful but totally worth it, i hope you have a new house and baby very soon :)
Good luck!!
i just found you blog, and i can not tell you what it means to me. i've had pretty much an identical year. i just had my second lap and i'm about to start lupron for the 3rd time. then i'll have the pleasure of having my right ovary and tube out in august. it's a big relief to know that there are other people out there who are so honest with what this horrible disease does to them emotionally and physically. from being in pain all the time to losing a baby. i am very lucky to have friends and family who are loving and supportive, but don't really understand what you are feeling. thank you so much for your blog!
Good Luck with both the house and the FET!!!
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