Yesterday was our transfer for this 2nd IVF cycle. It was just as beautiful as the first. My husband even got to go and take a peek at our embies in their incubator before the transfer, which was really special to him. As we peered carefully on the ultrasound screen, as they transferred the embies into their mommy, it was like a starburst came over the screen. Truly an amazing experience.
Today I am technically pregnant. There are fertilized eggs inside me, hopefully nestling in nicely and finding a nice, cozy home for the next 9-ish months. My first Beta will be Weds, August 12th. Again, it feels like EONS away. We are cautiously excited and anticipating the next few weeks.
We are waiting until tomorrow to see if the remaining embryo made it to the freezer, to give their brother or sister already there some company.
Here are our beauties. I think they look like me ;)
Repeat: Was It Worth It
5 hours ago
Yipee! They are beautiful, they have your eyes! HAHA, August 12th will be here before you know it! cheers to you and your hubby
Those are some beautiful embryos!
Hope you're resting comfortably! You have beautiful little embryos! Is it August 12 yet?
Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers xx
congrats! take it easy and relax. good luck, keep yourself busy these next 2 weeks! :)
They look absolutely lovely. hope they are nuzzling in for a long, nine month stay. : )
Lovely embies!! I def think they look like you!!!
10 days & counting... good luck!!! :)
Yay so exciting! Relax and take care of their mommy!
My beta is the same day! Sending super sticky vibes your way!
Yay! What a beautiful sight!
i am so thrilled! thinking of you :)
Good luck! :-)
I hope this is the one for you! :)
Nominated you for an award! Check out my latest post.
Good luck!!
good luck! i hope that the 2WW goes fast!
Congrats on a great transfer!! Sending all sorts of implanty vibes your way.
this is the one, i know it! the first time was just for practice so you were ready for the real thing! i'm sending some of my baby dust your way!
Praying SOOOO hard!
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