And puppies=ovaries.
I don't know what my E2 was today. I missed the phone call, but the clinic left a message about my dosages. UP with the Gonal F again. So, Gonal F-225, Menopur-150, Lupron-5. From the US this AM I don't have ANY (well, see below for the exception) measurable follicles. WHAT is up? WAKE UP OVARIES! I have 6 under 10 mm on the right (not sure if they'll ever get bigger-that's the ovary that didn't work last time and I had about the same amount then too), and 8 under 10mm on the left. At this point last time, they were already assuring me the next Monday for retrieval. Ho-hum. Maybe they are just a little sleepy? I'm SLEEPY as all get out, speaking of which.
ANYWHO, the exception? A 19x19mm "follicle" on the right ovary. I think "follicle"=cyst/endometrioma. But, they said follicle this AM and I just planned on discussing it when they called today. Remember I said my right ovary appeared larger at baseline this time 'round? Yeah, it was apparently this "follicle". Why would I have a HUGE follicle on one ovary...before I even started stims?
I'm getting a little nervous. I'm on way more meds than last time, and am going WAY slower. But, I continue on and will adjust my medications accordingly. Hopefully Friday will find some good sized follies that will hopefully equal out to good quality eggs in my hopeful retrieval this cycle.
How long do they try to plump these follies up before bagging a cycle?
1024th Friday Blog Roundup
1 day ago
Oh dear, I hope they grow soon!
oh honey sorry to hear of the sleepy puppies! Totally sounds like a cyst to me.
Grow little follicles, grow!
Grow grow grow! I was a slow starter -- I don't think I had any measurable follicles until about a week in, so it can all work out. Doesn't make it any more fun to have to keep pumping more meds into your belly, though.
i think they're going to grow, you'll be good, i know it!
Thanks ladies. You all rock!!!
BAREFOOT-Whew!!! That makes me feel so much better! Sometimes it just helps to know others have been in your shoes.
Hm. Not sure if it helps, but we had that happen 2 rounds ago -- ended up being a lead follicle and the RE converted it to a medicated IUI. No problems with it at all the next time around. Hopefully your follies will get it in gear!!
So frustrating.
We're doing fertility meds now. I'm beginning to become convinced that the docs don't know what the heck they are looking at after all these follicular scans I've had. The "follicle" on my left ovary they keep talking about is the same "follicle" (aka endometrioma, in my book) that's been there since December.
Good luck to you. I hope the meds do what they're supposed to and everything works out.
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