My do they know? Belly button is all gross again. No big blatant pustules this time, just some obvious leaking that has crusted over. The upper quadrant looks okay. Seems to be a little puffy around it, but, it seems it is TRYING it's best to close.
I haven't a clue what to do about the upcoming cycle. I have been reassured by several MD's that it'll be okay, it's all "superficial" (ie, skin deep). But, is it really? They don't really KNOW what it is, so, how can they say it? I know I've had physical exam after physical exam. There is no pain, heat, etc around any of the incisions. No obvious infection.
Why do I have to be so "special" sometimes?
Hope your weekends were good to you. We had a wonderful time with friends. hate for the week to come, but, looking forward to seeing some old friends this coming weekend! And, maybe looking forward to starting this new cycle. If I can reassure myself...
Old Digital Books
1 day ago
Have you taken lost of photos of your inscisions to show your doc? Another thing you could ask would be to be given a sterile swab and be shown how to swab your inscisions when the flair up. This way they can send it off to the lab and culture it to make sure it is def not a grumbling bacterial or yeast infection. They should be healed by now.
I am not trying to rub it in, just worried about you... but.. I had my lap 4 weeks ago and you can not see my belly button or hair line inscion and the one on my upper left is looking great. What I am trying to say is that you should have healed better than this (which you know!) and I feel the hospital is not doing enough. I would get mean with them!
I hope they get better soon
it's just your skin, i know it's hard but try not to worry too much about it.
I may have said this before - but is there a trend? If it flares up on a weekend - start noting everything that you are doing/eating and drinking - maybe related?
My incesions looked fine within a week - so I think this is a little odd myself.
Hope those incisions clear up for ya.
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