I have finally started feeling a little better today, but, this cough is just hanging around. I went to the MD today and she said although it wasn't full blown, that I had a touch of bronchitis or the beginnings of it. I'm hoping it's on it's way OUT! I knew they wouldn't be able to give me any relief, but, I just needed to make sure it wasn't embedding in my lungs. So, it kinda is, but, not fully. I think that seems to be good news? My fever broke this AM, so, that was a relief for me as well. Dr.'s orders are Tylenol as needed, FLUIDS, FLUIDS, FLUIDS...which I have been pushing as much as possible, and REST (which is kinda hard to get when you are running to pee every 20 minutes from all the fluids and coughing the rest of the time). She wants me to stay home through Monday. This has completely trashed my PTO. Not that I had much to begin with. But, I need to rest and take care of me and "Little D", as my husband's brother is calling the baby.
Hopefully we'll get to see the baby again on Monday at my OBGYN's appointment (and hopefully all this mess will be GONE!). I'm pretty nervous about it. I started spotting again some today. I think it's to be expected with the blood clot, or at least I hope it is. Can't fret. Just need to rest and take care.
Another prayer request for Melissa who is expecting her baby on Saturday. As a fellow infertility and endometriosis sister, she has had quite the time with this pregnancy. See Jeanne's post for more.
Thinking about you Melissa!!!!
Repeat: Was It Worth It
3 hours ago
Hope you do manage to get some rest and kick this soon. Sheesh, the first trimester is exhausting enough. I can't image it with bronchitis. Hang in there and dream of Monday when you can see your peanut again.
Thinking of you and hope you are feeling much better!
P.S. The link to my blog didn't go to the Allison post. It went to a more recent post. :)
Hope you're on the mend.
Thinking of you!
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