I went to see a GYN today because my nausea has become so much that I need help managing it to function some days. Guess what? "Nausea isn't typically a sign of endometriosis, just pain". I was floored. I'm sorry, SIR. Have your ovaries and colon ever been attached to your uterus before? No? No uterus? Have you had two prior surgeries for your Endo? Oh, again, no uterus? Then STFU.
Yeah, I'm pissed.
And, from that point forward I basically dictated how the appointment would wrap up. YES, sir, I AM interested in hormones; however, I'd like an US first to make sure I dont have another endometrioma (since I've had three)....because I know hormones won't help with that. So, US scheduled, check. FU, with ANOTHER GYN at the practice following the US, check. THEN, I'll be happy to WORK TOGETHER to try to find a hormone that doesn't work adversely with my migraine history, but, can hopefully HELP to keep my symptoms at bay for a while. Oh, and a prescription of Zofran, check.
Seriously, why did I have to pay $45 for that appointment?!?!
Old Digital Books
1 day ago
is there some sort of crazy new research i haven't heard about that shows nausea isn't a symptom of endometriosis? because, like you, i have it and can attest to the fact that it is indeed a symptom of endo, and so can all of my doctors. you need to find a new ob because that it just ri-fucking-diculous.
Wow. Did they even read your chart before entering the room? What do we will out the past history paperwork for if they aren't going to read it?
Oh that enrages me! How awful!! Was this GYN a guy? I hate having to advocate for myself and then BEG for the treatments I know I either need or the ones I know I do not need. I hope you get what you need soon to start feeling at least a little better.
Shin kicks to that dr.
I am sorry but glad you got it sorted out the way you wanted in the end x
:-( I'm so sorry. I hate that your pain has returned and your docs are being so difficult. I've been following for a while, glad you are posting more! Take care of yourself! Sending huge hugs from one endosister to another. xoxo
WTF?!? I often have nausea and I have endo. Good that you have an US booked. Hope you can find some meds that help. X
I know EXACTLY what you're going through!! I have taken both Zofran & Promethazine to assist with the nausea. Promethazine makes me sleepy at times, and Zofran tends to work. I got the pills which dissolve and work quickly. I can't believe your Dr. told you that nausea isn't a symptom! HOLY COW! That is a classic sign and symptom! Before my last surgery, I was unable to eat or keep anything down. I realized, too, that my nausea usually comes around both mid-cycle and around when I'm supposed to have my period. I'm on the Nuva Ring, but I still have problems with nausea. I hope you get help soon, and if the meds don't work, then maybe try out some homeopathic methods to help nausea? Best of luck to you! Also, I was wondering if you would mind adding my (new) blog to your Blog Roll? It's entitled "You Aren't Crazy: Endometriosis is Real." http://youarentcrazy.blogspot.com/
Best of luck! You are in my thoughts!
Hi there. I think I've been to every site I could find on the internet and FINALLY a blog that I can comment on. I'm 19 and going in next Tuesday for Laproscopy for "suspected" endometriosis and also a hysterotomy (spelling?) and D&C. I've been battling excruciating pain since my period started when I was about 13. I've been on birth control since then, obviously to no avail. I don't know if I'm posting in the right spot or even really how this thing works, so forgive me if this isn't right. I was just wondering if there's anyone out there that can give me a little reassurance that the surgery I'm getting ready to go through will be okay. My doctor is excellent and I love her dearly but these surgeries are so routine to her that she doesn't see it as the big deal that I do. My biggest fear is that I'm going to wake up and they're going to tell me they had to remove an ovary or that they need to do a full hysterectomy, that the endo is everywhere and severe. Since I'm only 19 I can't exactly jump on the "baby making" train and get to reproducing, but one day I'd like children and I fear so badly that I'll never get to experience. Anyone have any advice about the surgery or things in general?
Hello Sarah! I hope and pray that things go well on Tuesday-please keep me updated!!! Every surgery I've been scared...that is completely normal. But, I cannot tell you how much better each surgery made me feel!!!! I hope that you find some answers to your pain, and, more importantly, RELIEF!!!!
Thank you for your help. Hearing someone who's been there that it's all going to be okay makes me feel so much better. Am I posting in the right spot? Is there anywhere else I can leave my comments besides on certain blogs? Sorry, I am new to this.
Have you gotten excision surgery by an expert surgeon? There are about ten that do so in the US. They cut the disease out completely (not the organs)so it doesn't "grow back", instead of just burning the surface of the disease.
Check out the center for endometriosis care at http://centerforendo.com/
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