So, there's that. The nausea IS about 75% better. I'll take that. Not trying to be whiny, I was just in my mind wishing for more.
My periods are still whacked out too. I was hoping that was the cyst. Guess not. Bleeding/spotting still for 2 weeks/month. I should get stock in pads and panty liners! And the migraines. BOO THE MIGRAINES. I think that has to do with aging? So says the literature ;)
I've decided for no treatment. We'll see how that works out for me. Still in the back of my mind hoping to get pregnant again. Not the IVF way though. The monthly cycle of ups and downs with this wish are getting old too. Too daunting. Husband and I have decided by baby, then, I'll consider some treatment and we'll stop trying. My son will be 4 by then. I'll be 35. Not that either are a magical number. Just need to have it for our mental sanity.
In the meantime, just really loving the life I have an enjoying everything we have. Super grateful for our son. He really just turns up everyday, every mood. Even when he's being 3. ;) There's still reason to celebrate.
Hi! i've been following your blog for a long time now. i was diagnosed with endo 2011 had laparotomy that year too and after 6months post op another cyst was found on my left ovaries. (the first cyst was on the right ovary which was 10cm). I'm 27 years old now and still suffering with the disease. after surgery we were advised to try having a baby but until now no luck. then last year, we decided to go to a fertility speacialist (Dra. Co-Sy) and was told that we cant have a baby naturally since both my fallopian tubes are inflamed due to adhesions and cysts. so IVF is the last option. she told me to take visanne for 6months, it helped with the pain but i dont know if it helped shrink the cysts. have you heard of visanne? we hope to have a baby even just one like you... :(
I have missed so much, as this year has been pretty crazy here, and so I didn't see your updates at all. Glad to see your last lap went well, but sorry you've not had as much relief as you'd have liked. The nausea, the damn nausea!! Mine has been even worse than ever before since my pregnancy (which is nausea hell) and I have been trying to tell the GYNs that this is really bad for me and getting worse, but they just say it isn't a typical Endo symptom!! So although I'm sad you feel so sick, I'm glad someone else has the same experience and I'm not going mad! We're currently in the process of getting a second opinion on treatment, as nothing is working... doesn't Endo suck! I'm so grateful to have found your blog all those years ago, and sorry not to have been in touch lately whilst all this was happening... thinking of you!
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