I am 35 years old, living with stage IV Endometriosis, possibly adenomyosis and struggled with infertility for almost 4 years. I also struggled with PPD and now struggle with PMDD. I am a mother to a son that was born at 18 weeks and too precious for this earth; and now a mother to a son born in August 2011. By journaling here, I hope to benefit both for myself and for others that are dealing with this disease and fertility struggles. Thanks for visiting!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Depo Provera?

Talk to me about it.  Anyone?

This is what my surgeon is suggesting IF I want to try and suppress the endo for a while.


Caroline said...

Never had Depo Provera injections, but I was on Provera tablets for a while. Unfortunately they didn't work for me, so my Gynaecologist took me off them. Wishing you the best of luck though, as (almost) anything that can give us relief from Endo symptoms is worth a try ☺


Rebecca said...

I never did well with the hormones suppressing my endo. It doesn't mean it won't work well for you. Depo made me gain weight and become quite crabby.

My Endo Journey said...

Rebecca-how MUCH weight?? Good luck with the ONC. I had a VERY GOOD experience with my surgeon.

My Endo Journey said...

Thanks for the input Caroline :)

Unknown said...

I tried the Depo shot at two separate times, once when I was 20 and then again when I was 24. The first time around I took it twice (so the effects lasted 6 months), and I absolutely loved it because I didn't have to worry about taking a pill every day for 3 consecutive months. I don't remember having any significant side effects and I had no ovarian cysts by the end of the treatment (The reason I have to suppress my period is because cysts grow on my ovaries through every cycle). The second time around though, I spotted a lot, like every 2 to 3 weeks, which didn't happen the first time. And I had a serious break out on my forehead and along the sides of my face, almost rash-like...I didn't take it again. Now, the first time I did it was in the U.S., and the second time was in the Dominican Republic. I have no idea if that had anything to do with it, but maybe the quality of the shot was different. Who knows. Basically, if you're willing to risk having any adverse symptoms for 3 months for the sake of convenience, then try it. Everyone has different reactions, and I had two lol.

Unknown said...

I was put on depo luperon not deep provera I was supposed to get a series of injections every three months for a year in order to suppress the endo and put my body in essentially pre menopause. Side effects were not too bad worse was the occasional hot flashes that made me feel much older than I am. The first three months were great no periods but after the second injection i had bleeding and spotting for two months straight, my doctor could not figure out what was wrong so we chose to quit all shots after 6 months so heres to hoping something works! Best of luck!

Gwenyth Love said...

I took Depo between the time my son was born and when we wanted to have a second child. It worked wonders for me because I didn't have to worry about a period, which was killer to me. I gained a little weight, but not a lot, but I was also very active at the time. My issue came when I wanted off to try to have a second child. My period wouldn't come back and I had to be prescribed extra hormones to kick start it. They made me miserable and cranky and it wasn't fun. Eventually my period came back, worse then ever. I was never able to have another child though, but I have just discovered that that is most likley because I have endometriosis.

Anonymous said...

:( I just posted a long comment and my phone spazzed out :,( I have been on the depo shot 2 times once as a teen and once last year. I told my dr last year that I had been on it before and had very bad problems wi th it, he says to me, but your not a teen anymore it should work........ yea ok... when I was in high school they kept me on it for almost 2 years and I was on my period the whole time, had massive blood clots and also gained alot of weight. I've always been between115 to 130(sports) and at the end I weighed 155...... this last time my weight started out at 125 and I ended at almost 160, and I was on my period the whole time again............. but I also have a football size mass on my ovaries. I would not advise anyone to take the depo, it made my life miserable! !!