So, I sought after a new GYN. Not sure that was a really good idea-don't really think these folks are any better that the old (at least the old ones were used to me), but, it did bring about a repeat ultrasound where they detected a 3cm mass on my right ovary. That damned right ovary. This time they don't suspect an endometrioma, though because of it's characteristics (solid). They say it's a dermoid. (Look it up-SO GROSS!) Only time will tell.
It needs to come out. Thankfully. I'm thankful because I'm tired of the growing nausea. Tired of the swelling and tenderness. Tired of the BLEEDING. And, quite frankly, tired.
I asked for a referral to a new center we have here that specializes in "Pelvic Health" issues and surgeries since my surgical past was a little complicated. It's like waiting to see if you get into graduate school! ;) My records have been sent and I'm waiting to see if I'll be "accepted" as a new patient. I should hear sometime this week. Fingers are crossed!!!
So, the waiting game begins. Ready to get this monster out of me!!!
1026th Friday Blog Roundup
17 hours ago
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