So, every month is absolute psychological torture for me. The week before my period, I start a little song and dance of spotting on and off. Sometimes it's heavier than others. I ALWAYS convince myself it's implantation bleeding. It NEVER is.
Today (TMI those that know me) we had sex. I went to the bathroom immediately afterwards and realized I was bleeding. Husband, unfortunately, realized it too. Guess how far from my period I am? ONE WEEK.
This is getting out of hand. I will freak out for the next week, convincing myself that I am pregnant. Of course my boobs hurt and I'm tired. I MUST BE PREGNANT. Except that happens every month, far too early.
So, I turned to Dr. Google. Rookie mistake. Looks like I could have 1 of ten things wrong with me, including low progesterone, endometriosis (um duh), polyps or fibroids.
So, after the $20 in tests I'll spend over the next week and ultimate heartache next Thursday, should I make a call to the OB? Or, is this my new normal?
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