I haven't been on much lately because I've needed a blogging break. Me time. Trying to focus my life on the positives in this down time has been hard. Harping on my endo and infertility hadn't been really helping. So, during our move and while we wait on our new house, I've decided to be scarce.
I hate endo and infertility. Not a day goes by that I don't think about how different our life would be right now with Wyatt. I turn 30 in a little over a week. 30 isn't old, I know. Today, it just feels like it. Infertility has aged me.
I'm trying really hard to NOT think about getting pregnant every month. My blogging absence has helped some with that, and, another reason to take a breather.
I won't stop completely. I'll be around. Just need to find my old positivity and zest!!! I miss it. I will not let endo and infertility steal that from me.
All ramblings from a tiny cell phone keyboard. Hope you all are well!
#Microblog Monday 526: Brackets
1 day ago