Just wanted to touch base and catch up with everyone. We recently had some maternity pictures taken and during the shoot I had the photographer get one for us to hang up for Wyatt. I actually saw the picture on Jeanna's Blog a while ago and have been wanting to recreate it. I wanted to share that. Also, I know that pregnancy is a touchy subject for most readers, but I feel very beautiful and extremely blessed to be where we are and I don't want to hide it. I hope that does not offend. I will never forget where this miracle came from and what we went through to get here. And, I know that my battle with endometriosis is long from over. Is it ever over? I am not naive to the fact that I may return to my normally, painful self...could be soon. So, for now I'm enjoying the blessings that we have and praying for those trying to get there-however that may be.
Taken at 32 weeks